30_Co-housing Mura San Carlo | Tamassociati

2015 Edition, Italy


Project title: Co-housing Mura San Carlo – San Lazzaro di SaAvena

Recommending party
The project has been submitted by:
Massimo Lepore, studio tamassociati




City: Mura San Carlo, San Lazzaro di Savena (BO)

Address: via Samoggia, 6



Designer or design team architects: studio tamassociati


Plot Area: 2.000 sq.m.

Gross Area:  2.236,56 sq.m.

Of which residential:  55%
Public/communal areas:  45%
Facilities for the public: 0%
Business/trade: 0%
Offices: 12%

Number of residential units: 
Typology of users: families
Total building costs Euros:  2.291.888,00 €
Building Cost = Total Bulding Cost / Gross Area:  1.024,74 €/ sq.m.
Floor area ratio = Gross Area / Plot Area: 1,12
Work started on date: Monday, 1st July 2013
Work completion date: Saturday, 13th December 2014


Promoter: Società cooperativa cohousing Mura San Carlo
Allotment rule: Convenzione PICA – LR. 47/78
Reduction cost percentage compared to the market value:
– assignment:   39%
– rent:   not indicated

Description of the project: 

Tamassociati has developed in S. Lazzaro di Savena (BO) a new 100% wooden “social building”, putting together excellence and research in the social objectives it sets and the technologies it implements. 12 families form the first Italian co-housing: a new, more socially involved and eco-friendly way to live.

Setting / urban strategy
The building stands on a parcel of 2000sqm and is the fruit of a housing replacement: the land was occupied by a low-quality building which was demolished, with a virtuous process of urban revitalisation.

Programme / functions
12 families were awarded a public sale for the allocation of the parcel, developing a new “social building”. The work combines private accommodations with common rooms and services; they will be used for group activities but also open to community life: a common room, a library, a food storage for group purchases, a laundrette, a workshop, common green areas and a shared vegetable garden.

Design strategy
The families and designers have acted as a “purchasing group”: in this way we have rationalized all the design and building stages, creating advantages in terms of results, costs, site duration, building management.

Environmental sustainability
Community housing has allowed us to opt for a wooden prefabricated system: a 4-storey building fully made of X-Lam. The building-plant assembly is a high-thermal efficiency container that has obtained an A energy class certification. It has a photovoltaic roof able to produce 20 Kw for heating and cooling; it is connected with a state-of-the-art air-water heat pump.

Economic sustainability
The bargaining power of the groups has allowed us to obtain important economies in line with the ambitious programmes that had been set. These processes have resulted – thanks to a housing project based on municipality agreement – in a cost reduction from market value, equal to 39%.

Social sustainability
Co-housing is a conscious response to the social crisis in our cities. Additionally it is also a virtuous intervention with regards to the community because it provides for the revitalisation of a part of a public park adjacent to the parcel.